Spoiler Alert: Just like it is impossible to get rich quickly, one employee or supplier isn’t going to fix all your problems!
Many founders fall into the trap of thinking a new hire or a vendor can completely change their business overnight.
So, they essentially put all their eggs in one basket.
When things don’t pan out, they don’t pivot fast enough and let issues go unresolved since resolving them quickly leads to difficult conversations.
Eventually, all this “baggage” from hiring and vendor arrangements stagnates growth and sets the business years back.
To avoid this problem, I advise companies I work with to face problems head-on – to see the writing on the wall even when they don’t want to.
Then, it’s just a matter of pivoting quickly – cutting out things that don’t work.
This can mean replacing vendors, exiting employees, shutting down underperforming stores/lines of business, or letting go of a pet project. Growth and expansion are on the other side of hard decisions.
Success is on the other side of making a few thoughtful, targeted bets.
It’s about moving fast without getting too fixated on making something not performing into a magic bullet that will somehow start working.
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